Lent 2025

Lent is a season of 40 days, beginning on Ash Wednesday and concluding on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. When we gather on March 5th for Ash Wednesday, we will be invited to keep a holy Lent with a focus on specific practices. Be prayerful about what the Lord might be calling you to this Lent.

An Invitation to Practice Lenten Disciplines

Lenten disciplines are invitations from the Lord to ask ourselves important questions:

Where have I wandered off, checked out, forgotten the Lord?
How am living in a way that is hurtful to those closest to me?
Where am I putting my hope in other things?
How can I use what has been given to me to bless others,
not simply to fortify my sense of security?

This acrostic can help as a motivation and a guide in adopting Lenten Disciplines:

L - Listen to Jesus this Lent. Immerse yourself in His teachings, His words,
and His Presence.  

E – Embrace the journey of repentance and returning to the Lord. Embrace the reality
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, like you and me. 

N – Nix distractions. Reduce your dependence on technology, phones,
news and social media, and luxuries that have become necessities. 

T – Take something away. Add something on. 

Lenten disciplines are meant to serve us by helping us respond to questions like these. The Lenten disciplines listed below have been practiced by the church each year during Lent. Would you consider practicing some of these as part of your devotional life in Lent this year?

Self-Examination and Repentance
Lent encourages deep introspection and a commitment to spiritual growth and renewal through acknowledging our sins, and seeking forgiveness.

Lent encourages us to increase our disciplines of prayer, incorporating specific Lenten prayers or devotions, new rhythms or patterns.

Lent encourages us to consider our relationship with our treasure and time by inviting us to acts of generosity and helping those in need.

Lent encourages us to consider our dependencies through fasting and abstaining, mirroring Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. This can involve giving up certain foods or meals, but can also include pleasures or habits.

Reading and Meditating on God’s Holy Word
Lent encourages engagement with Holy Scripture. We are encouraged to read and meditate on God’s Word, in order to hear from Him, that our lives might be formed in new and deeper ways.

Lenten Resources