seek first the kingdom campaign

Vision and Survey

We believe God’s good Kingdom purposes for our parish and this community include pursuing the construction of a church building. After more than a year of prayer and planning, our bishops, clergy, vestry, and invested lay leaders have come to this consensus. Now we want to hear from you.

Read the Seek First Vision: Please take a moment and read through this document which outlines our needs and the process for moving forward.

Complete this Survey: We are working with a consulting firm which helps Anglican churches like us make decisions like this. They have created this survey and will compile the results. Please have your responses in before Wednesday, February 26th.

Need for Place

Since the launch of Holy Trinity in Fall of 2011, we have worshiped in six different locations, in two towns, in two different counties. We have endured a global pandemic worshiping outdoors from July 2020 until December 2021. Despite many challenges, God has been very good to our parish, enabling us to expand and deepen our ministry and mission to this community. Still, without having our own facility, we have experienced a lack of stability, expensive rental fees, and needs for both sacred space for worship and classroom space for formation.

The following image shows a draft of our current timeline.