Upcoming events.

Small Groups Resume
to Sep 21

Small Groups Resume

Small Groups this Fall - Meeting together in one anotherโ€™s homes is a counter-cultural practice, leaning away from our tendencies to come home and draw up the drawbridge, retiring to our own worlds--often digital ones. Letโ€™s counter the โ€œdisembodied, asynchronous, shallow, and solitaryโ€ (J. Haidt) digital life our culture offers with embodied, synchronous, deep, and collective connection. Please take a moment to check out the groups on our website.  For more information, contact Lisa McCowen.

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Compline Service

Compline Service

Sung Compline, Third Sunday of the Month, June 16, 8pm: Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning โ€˜completionโ€™ (completorium). It is an ancient service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day. The beauty of Compline remains in its simplicity, as we entrust ourselves to the care of our Lord. Our Compline Choir leads this service. All are welcome.

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Bp. Steve's Episcopal Visit and Fall BBq

Bp. Steve's Episcopal Visit and Fall BBq

All Parish BBQ, Sunday, September 22:  Please join us for an all parish BBQ after our worship service with Bp. Steve here for confirmations and receptions.  This is a wonderful way to kick off the fall, meet new folks, eat some great bbq, and enjoy folk music from our own musicians!  Weโ€™re asking for a small contribution to defray costs: $5 per person or $20 for a family of 4 or more.  In order to plan for this delicious day, we need you to register here. 

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Nursery Parent Training

Nursery Parent Training

Sunday, September 15th, 9:00-9:45am
We ask that all parents who currently use (or might use the nursery in the next 12 months) attend, as well as all volunteers (even if you are in the beginning stages of being cleared). Adults will gather in the Cranmer Room next to the nursery to go over policies and procedures for the coming year. Did we mention donuts?! Childcare will provided during the meeting for children ages three and under. If you are interested in learning more about our childrenโ€™s ministry, please contact Anne (nursery@holytrinitych.org).

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Youth Meetings Resume

Youth Meetings Resume

Weekly Sunday Night Youth Resumes - Starting Sunday, September 08, the youth of Holy Trinity will meet every Sunday from 5 to 7 PM. We are excited to welcome all 6th graders to 12th graders to this time of games, fellowship, prayer and worship! We do ask that parents of youth sign up to bring snacks 2 times per semester, you can sign up at this link: tinyurl.com/HTC-Youth.

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Newcomer's Lunch

Newcomer's Lunch

Newcomers' Lunch on September 15: After the worship service on Sunday, September 15, all newcomers are welcome to join us for lunch to hear more about Holy Trinity and our mission.  If you havenโ€™t attended one yet, come!  Please RSVP here by Thursday, September 13.

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Atrium Resumes

Atrium Resumes

Atrium Resumes on Sunday, September 8th for children ages three years (by August 31st


potty-trained) through sixth grade!

Parents, please bring your children to the atrium at 9:55am


make sure to sign them in each time in case we need to contact you. Their consistent presence will make for the best atrium experience. Catechists will bring them back to the nave to rejoin their families for Eucharist. Questions? Contact Nancy (



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Atrium Training

Atrium Training

Required meetings for all atrium parents and atrium assistants โ€” We request that ALL parents of atrium age children and atrium assistants attend one of two dates:

  • ๐‘’๐‘–๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ  Saturday, September 7th from 9:30-11:30am.

  • ๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ  Sunday,  September 29th, from noon-2:00pm

By noon on Tuesday, September 3, please RSVP at tinyurl.com/atriummeeting2024. Contact Nancy (nancy@holytrinitych.org).

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In-Person Child Protection Training Lunch

In-Person Child Protection Training Lunch

Lunch & Required Child Protection Policy Training for clergy, staff, vestry, all who serve with nursery/children/youth: Both this IN-PERSON Child Protection Policy Training AND Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Awareness Training (MinistrySafe) now are required by our diocese every three years (rather than two years as before). Lunch provided! RSVP by noon on Tuesday, August 13th, at tinyurl.com/ChildProtectionLunchSummer2024. Contact (nancy@holytrinitych.org).

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Brown Bag Lunch for Life

Brown Bag Lunch for Life

Come hear what God has been up to in our community in the lives of women and children through Pregnancy Support Services and their partnership with 29 area churches. If you would like to know more about our ongoing partnership with PSS, please bring your own lunch and join us after the service in the Sacristy.  Contact Lisa McCowen with questions (lisa@holytrinitych.org).

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Camp Booyah
to Aug 1

Camp Booyah

The youth have shown great interest in Camp Booyah with over 10 registrations and need your help. We urgently need one screened female volunteer to join us as a chaperone from July 28 to August 1. If you know a suitable candidate, please contact Lewis Purcell. We also require additional scholarship funds to ensure every registered youth can attend. Please consider donating at our churchโ€™s website: give/CampBooyah.

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Hospitality Interest Meeting

Hospitality Interest Meeting

Do you have a heart for making folks feel welcome or serving behind the scenes to make special events happen?  Please join us after the service for a no-obligation interest meeting.  There will be a brief time of teaching about Biblical Hospitality from our intern Owen Rittgers, and some vision casting for reforming our Hospitality Team.  Contact Lisa McCowen if you're interested but can't attend (lisa@holytrinitych.org)!

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