Church Planting

As a parish that started as a small church plant, we are excited about church planting and committed to supporting vibrant, faithful Anglican church plants in the Triangle. To support this vision, we are committed to developing next generation leaders who can effectively serve existing Anglican parishes or who might be led to plant new Anglican parishes. We do this through curacies, where new clergy are offered practical training for pastoral leadership within the context of a local parish.

Church of the Resurrection - Mebane

The Reverend Josh Barfield was ordained at Holy Trinity and served as our Curate for two years. His curacy at Holy Trinity prepared him to be the planting priest for Church of the Resurrection in Mebane, NC, which launched its Sunday mornings services in April, 2024. We are so thankful for the Barfields and the other families from Holy Trinity who sensed and responded to the call to break new ground for the Gospel in Alamance County. We celebrate the wonderful beginning of our daughter church and pray for continued blessings on them. If you are interested in learning more about Church of the Resurrection in Mebane, visit their website.